Fiori, BTP, and alternative hosted environments (e.g., AWS)
Real-time Means Accuracy
In installations without barcode scanners, movements have to be recorded manually and later entered into SAP.
Risk of delays and transcription errors make stock values unreliable and have cost consequences.
Our web-based mobile application enables real-time data capture.
The result, stock values stay accurate and reliable leading to maximum operational efficiency.
Mobility Made Easy
SAP’s mobile solutions are complex to use, typically requiring costly customisation and extensive user training.
Errors and unrecorded movements frequently occur, causing unreliable stock data.
Our application is very simple to use. Configurable by user roles it includes features not available in Standard SAP.
Unnecessary training time, support needs, and operational costs are prevented.
Data Governance
that Saves Time
Poor usability in SAP leads to stock errors. Operators record movements outside the system or delay transcriptions at SAP terminals. Pinpointing the exact cause can be difficult.
Weak traceability makes identifying, correcting, and preventing errors time-consuming and complex.
Our application captures digital signatures and photographic evidence, linking them to SAP movement transactions.
Accuracy, Accountability, and Strong Data Governance result.